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Special Dishes in Wenzhou---Lamp Pastry
Source:Taste Chinese in Wenzhou | Author:Bao Hanli | Publish time:2018-04-24 | 2024 Views: | Share:
There are tons of special dishes,totally about fifty varieties, in Wenzhou. Lamp Pastry is a fried special of Wenzhou, Zhejiang, with a long history.
Lamp Pastry is a fried special of Wenzhou, Zhejiang, with a long history. It is said, at the turning of Yuan and Ming dynasties, the rebel leaded by Liu Bowen attacked Wenzhou. Troops in the city and outside city have a signal, "Dengzhan", which means tying inner Mongolian up. Accidentally, the name of this pastry, “Dengzhan”, has same pronunciation of "lamp" in Wenzhou dialect. That is how the name comes from. Another saying is that at the end of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing dynasty, two Wenzhounese brothers, Chen Damu and Chen Suimu, sold this kind of pastry at Dongmen Doumentou and they came up with the name, Lamp Pastry.