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 "I Love Wenzhou Season 4" excellent short videos officially released
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2024-02-28 | 427 Views: | Share:

The "I Love Wenzhou" Short Video Creation Competition, which has created over 400 videos with a total of more than 250 million hits, has been held for the consecutive 4 years. On Feb. 22nd, 2024, the "Shaking Hands with the World · Our Festivals" Cultural Exchange & Launching Ceremony of Broadcasting Exhibition of "I Love Wenzhou Season 4" Excellent Videos were held in Dongtou. More than 80 international friends and overseas Chinese from more than 20 countries attended the event.

8 international friends and international students were appointed as Wenzhou Overseas Communication Officers. Hera, a Pakistani student from Wenzhou Medical University and a representative of the newly appointed Overseas Communication Officers, delivered an address to all the guests, "We welcome people from all over the world to Wenzhou. We welcome you to experience this land full of opportunities and growth. Wenzhou welcomes talents from all over the world and encourages them to constantly innovate and develop. I sincerely hope that all the people here can realize their dreams, seize all the opportunities in Wenzhou, unite together, and create a better future!"

During the event, international friends and students also experienced traditional intangible cultural heritage projects. "This is not only a tourist destination, but also a place where people can let go of their fatigue and rediscover inner peace." Abbas, an Uzbekistani student from Wenzhou University, shared his experience in English on the Instagram. Alexander, a Russian student, live-streamed the visit on the Facebook. Their sharing was praised by many overseas netizens.

The Dongtou base of Wenzhou Overseas Communication Center was unveiled at the same time.