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Some regions in Wenzhou suspend the folk dragon boat celebrating activities this year
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-06-24 | 1667 Views: | Share:
This June 25 is the annual Dragon Boat Festival. There are some information related to this Dragon Boat Festival that deserve your attention.

3. This year’s Dragon Boat Festival is the latest (tied with another two) in the 21st century

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Astronomers said that this Dragon Boat Festival is a little special. It is the latest Dragon Boat Festival in the 21st century. In the 100 years of the 21st century, there are a total of 3 latest ( according to the calendar) Dragon Boat Festival, which are in 2001, 2020, and 2058 respectively. Their corresponding Gregorian dates are all June 25.

Editor: Evelyn Qu

Translator: Eric Ye

proofreader: Brett Singh

