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Anthony:I Wrote a poem for China
Source: | Author:pmtf105f8 | Publish time:2020-02-26 | 2160 Views: | Share:
Anthony has specifically written an anti-epidemic poem and gave it to all the warriors fighting against the virus. He encouraged everyone to fight with strong confidence, believingthat the epidemic would be defeated soon,"China, absolutely you will bethe final winner!"

Here’s the poem:
Wuhan Plight  加油武汉

Billowing clouds of gloom descend, 
The people so fearful is this the end? 
Fighting spirit of the Chinese go, 
Forward the doctors the heroes show. 
The President and the party’s team, 
Arrange the strategies to block the stream. 
Public order must certainly be kept, 
Calming the multitudes, the army is prepped. 
Take courage champions of your plight, 
You must continue strong to win this fight. 
Join with strength and strive for unity, 
With those leaders of your community.  
Staying calm and peaceful you should be, 
You have so many friends that want you free. 

The story-teller of this video is Anthony from Australia. He has been living in China for 12 years and has a Chinese wife. He says that China has become his second hometown. He likes chatting with Chinese friends and enjoying life here. Everything is so beautiful! Anthony works as an English teacher, but he is also a painter in his spare time. He uses his paintbrush to record his life in China and paint the beauties of China.
It is understood that Anthony returned to Australia not long ago for personal reasons. He says that before returning to Australia, he was very concerned about the news of the novel coronavirus pneumonia. Now in Australia, he still contacts his friends in China very often caring about their current situations. Anthony tells us that all his friends have a very positive attitude and have strong confidences in defeating the virus.
These past few days, Anthony has specifically written an anti-epidemic poem and gave it to all the warriors fighting against the virus. He encouraged everyone to fight with strong confidence, believingthat the epidemic would be defeated soon,"China, absolutely you will bethe final winner!"